Dr. Jonathan Lieberman
'The work being done by Kids Trust is, in my opinion, a vital necessity. The counselling provides a calm shelter for our youth in an increasingly stormy world. It is a resource which the community must support.'
Local medical practitioner | |
Dr Nathan Dov Stein, MB BCh BAO, MA, MMedSc(Psych)
'Without Kids Trust, many serious problems would be swept under the carpet to smoulder.
With the help of Kids Trust and the trained listening ear of its capable counsellors, seemingly hopeless or insurmountable situations, including heart-breaking family dysfunctions, can be addressed.
Our children and their families can heal, learn to cope with their difficulties, make necessary changes, and proceed to live satisfying lives, to take their places as active, positive contributors to our kehilla (community).'
Dr Nathan Dov Stein, MB BCh BAO, MA, MMedSc(Psych), Medical practitioner, Consultant psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, and Supervisor. | |